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I'm uncomfortable with being a salesman. Hawking art like merchandise feels sleazy. At the same time, I want people to read my book and I want it to bring me dollars so I can recoup the (small) expense of publishing it. Sales = good. Selling = bad. I have Inner Conflict.
This is a good thing.
To be "of two minds" (or more) is much better for a fiction writer than to be comfortably reductionist. In storytelling, conflict is key. And self-observation may be the best tool (neck-and-neck with observation of others) an author can employ in creating convincing characters. Each of us is a world in microcosm, a jumble of contradictory selves like cats in a bag. We label the bag "I" just to get along in society.
Truth is, we live in a complicated universe. Complexity theory tells us that everything is a system of interrelating parts, and attempts to reduce the complexity run the risk of falsification: simplistic rather than simple. To embrace the big tangle is to think holistically. Aristotle in the Metaphysics: "The whole is more than the sum of its parts."
I am an entire ecology. So are you. That's the truth of being human. It feels good to accept what is.
So I occasionally play a salesman role, and will continue as long as it feels right to do so. When it doesn't, I'll stop.
I know what you mean about being a salesman, Brent. I’ve just published a book of poetry today and have now started the round of (to my mind) begging e-mails trying to promote the thing. At least it’s not a sequel like last time. That was hard because I felt I could only approach people who’d reviewed the first novel which I did and got about a quarter of the reviews. This time a lot of the people who reviewed the novel I know won’t be interested in the poetry so I can broaden the net a bit. But it is a chore I could well do without.